Sunday, August 23, 2009


“While standing on the beach that evening watching the sunset; absorbing the beauty of the only scenery that’s beautiful even though its an expression of setting down; and trying to understand the feeling within that makes you feel you are standing near horizon, the feeling that brings tears in your eyes without a reason-there was something stronger that was going within me- the urge to have someone standing by my side holding my hand and sharing with me all those feelings without speaking a word...having someone whose presence would make that moment perfect and whose absence diminished the vigor of everything else that was perfect around me...

Its so the law of nature that a person who is destined to come into the world alone and leave the world alone, seeks for a companion in his life…Every soul seeks a soulmate…a mate of his soul…a soul that is never destroyed…a soul that is the utmost pure identity of a living being…a soul that has its free will away from the conditioning of the human world…a soul whose feelings are free of the acquired wisdom of the laws created for human existence…for its only soul that can feel without bias, the depth of any feeling that a heart experiences… And so when one finds a soulmate, the love is felt by the heart and by the soul in its most free and purest form, for it is not recognized by how the two got moulded in the past years but by the eternal union that has existed without any beginning or end…

The waves of the sea rolling over my feet, the gentle touch of dusk wind against my face, the last bright rays of the day and my arms I used to hug myself on that touching moment were none able to suffice for what my soul was seeking- an immense sea of pure love to drench my soul, the soothing caress of immortal affection, the never fading light of blissful togetherness and the warm tender arms to hold me strong …all this that I knew existed somewhere else…all this that I knew existed with MY SOULMATE… “

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