Monday, March 14, 2011

FAIL to PLAN !!!

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. But does planning really work? Certainly hasn't worked for me most of the times. Even to this day I have tens of to do lists, resolution plans, goal planning documents that I end up creating after some or other self-introspection session. But none of them seem to ever strike a done deal. In fact, more of such lists keep on adding every few days and somewhere in the middle I lose track of them.

So is planning an art or a science? Does the problem lie in the way I plan or is implementation the tricky part? Or am I lacking determination or enthusiasm or motivation? What is it that will provide me the satisfaction of at least one all green to do list. I have some great planner friends and they have bestowed me with their best planning tips now and then. I have tried to follow most of them and yet what is constant is incompletion. How do you "just do it" after all?

Or is planning not everybody's cup of tea. Some people just live life as it comes with few guilty moments of not being able to attain perfection due to lack of proper planning, but still do happily without it most of the times. Do the people who plan and implement well ever feel guilty about anything that happens due to expert planning. Are planned quality results with almost always knowing what to do, better than the fun of acting at impulse and sometimes doing away with some after effects. Or is there a planned list of things that "should" be planned and things that "may" be planned. We all consciously or unconsciously plan several things in our heads if not on paper but how much of it is enough?

What works best when planning doesnt? I think its high time I plan about it...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Richness is not about money

For the past few days, there is this one line that has been hovering over my mind and so I decided to pen down some thoughts. I even had it posted on our dear Fb and had some of my friends share some really wonderful thoughts about this one line. So this is basically a consolidation of all those beautiful views with some of my thoughts here and there.

Richness is not about money...Sure it is not. I think we all are, well at least most of us lucky ones are - Born Rich. God bestows equally to each of us, everything we will ever need to make ourselves and this world better . He gives us the power of vision to marvel at His beautiful colorful creations all around us; the power of touch to heal and get healed. He gives us a beautiful mind to think and imagine and create new wonderful thoughts and creations. He gives us all a kind heart to feel and love and empathize with all the lovely creatures around us. We all are born with and equally possess and inherit the beautiful nature - the warm sun, the twinkling stars, the chirping birds, the blooming flowers.

And after that we become richer by the way we spend these gifts - the power of our senses, the strength of our mental faculties, the energies of our healthy body, the love of our touching hearts and every bit of the ever so passing time. And so at the end, our richness and our worth is calculated not by the number of bills we own but by the number of memories we created with our friends and families - the kind that make us laugh and cry all at the same time; by the number of positive traits that we developed in our character; by the number of times we extended a helping hand to anyone in need; by the number of times we hugged and loved and healed; by the number of beautiful sceneries we enjoyed even if it was a rainbow after a sunny rain; by the number of dreams we built and fulfilled; by the number of moments we lived completely; by what we built of us with what we had.

Richness is not about money... Richness cannot be about money because the BEST things in life are FREE...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Slow Down

Time and again we have heard this or more so likely read it somewhere in the inspirational column of a newspaper or a magazine. So have I. Numerous times. And practically tried to do that more number of times than I ve read it. Though I am not able to do that all the time and I guess its not meant to be done all the time as its beauty lies in doing it when you think you are really pacing up. It has worked for me most of the times. Whenever I do it I feel more in sync with myselves and my surroundings...more at my own pace..

When we get up in the morning in the hush to get ready and step outside and reach work, do we cherish the breath of fresh air and the beam of fresh sunlight. The chances are that we do, we do it in our minds without actually realizing it, which is probably why the day the sun decides not to show up in all its glory we feel gloomy. The only thing we don't do is to take a second and appreciate it. We perhaps do it only when the sun comes out after days filled of dull gloomy weather. That day we perhaps when we step out of our shells we exclaim "Oh what a day !!!" This is also probably why we enjoy the season's first snow, season's first rain the most.

And this might not just be true for the sun and the fresh air and stars and the trees. It might be about people as well. The people we love to death, the people we cherish so close to our hearts every single days of our lives. Thats true we cherish them and love them in our minds and hearts all the time. The only thing we don't do so often in our fast and busy lives is to take a second to appreciate them, their presence in our lives. Because just like the sun and the air and the stars, they are just there for us all the time. Taken for granted !!!

So when we feel we are moving too fast, when we feel we don't have the time and energy left for anything else, lets slow down. Lets give ourselves a minute to take one deep breath. We deserve that much. And lets appreciate the simplest things in life... the sun that shows up behind or before the clouds every single day, the trees, the fresh air, the rain, our heart that beats for us 24x7, the innocent chuckle of a child, the chirping birds, colors.....and most importantly the people in our lives that we so dearly love...all the things in the world that make life worth living. Lets slow down for a moment from the world's pace and lets live the moment at life's pace.

And lets slow down before the brake stops working...