Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Slow Down

Time and again we have heard this or more so likely read it somewhere in the inspirational column of a newspaper or a magazine. So have I. Numerous times. And practically tried to do that more number of times than I ve read it. Though I am not able to do that all the time and I guess its not meant to be done all the time as its beauty lies in doing it when you think you are really pacing up. It has worked for me most of the times. Whenever I do it I feel more in sync with myselves and my surroundings...more at my own pace..

When we get up in the morning in the hush to get ready and step outside and reach work, do we cherish the breath of fresh air and the beam of fresh sunlight. The chances are that we do, we do it in our minds without actually realizing it, which is probably why the day the sun decides not to show up in all its glory we feel gloomy. The only thing we don't do is to take a second and appreciate it. We perhaps do it only when the sun comes out after days filled of dull gloomy weather. That day we perhaps when we step out of our shells we exclaim "Oh what a day !!!" This is also probably why we enjoy the season's first snow, season's first rain the most.

And this might not just be true for the sun and the fresh air and stars and the trees. It might be about people as well. The people we love to death, the people we cherish so close to our hearts every single days of our lives. Thats true we cherish them and love them in our minds and hearts all the time. The only thing we don't do so often in our fast and busy lives is to take a second to appreciate them, their presence in our lives. Because just like the sun and the air and the stars, they are just there for us all the time. Taken for granted !!!

So when we feel we are moving too fast, when we feel we don't have the time and energy left for anything else, lets slow down. Lets give ourselves a minute to take one deep breath. We deserve that much. And lets appreciate the simplest things in life... the sun that shows up behind or before the clouds every single day, the trees, the fresh air, the rain, our heart that beats for us 24x7, the innocent chuckle of a child, the chirping birds, colors.....and most importantly the people in our lives that we so dearly love...all the things in the world that make life worth living. Lets slow down for a moment from the world's pace and lets live the moment at life's pace.

And lets slow down before the brake stops working...

1 comment:

  1. a post related to yours
